What is fair market rent for cell antenna sites in Canada?
It’s not “Fair” Market Rent (FMV) – it’s Location Fair Rent. Cell carriers without locations – are without rents. Remember – Location Location Location Cell carriers are huge in Location. Cell Antenna utility licenses have huge Location Value. Most owners just sign it...
License Buyouts? When is the best time?
Antenna License Buyout Service AMC is pleased to announce that we are now providing an Antenna License Buyout service for property owners. If a cash buyout of your cell antenna license is of interest, let us know. AMC will assist in getting multiple offers. How much...
Rent Critical for Negotiating
Have you been approached by a cell carrier to license your property or roof top for a cell antenna? Our Rent Index can level the playing field. Their “site acquisition specialists” or “license agents” are similar to real estate brokers. Their prime job is to search...
Radio Frequency (RF) Insurance in Place?
RF insurance may run risk to propertyProperty owners with cell sites face a new challenge as RF insurance may run a risk to your property. Insurance companies are reducing or eliminating their coverage from their policies. Blanket policies for carriers may no longer...
Fair Rent Comparables
A: 48Fair rent comparables depends on what you know. What is your Rent Index? Cell carriers negotiate thousands of licenses every single year. On the other hand, landlords negotiate once every 20. This brings about the question: are you getting fair rents every year?...
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